Art in B.A.S.E. at Oak Learners

Art in B.A.S.E. at Oak Learners

At Oak Learners Before and After School Enrichment Program we explore a range of activities. I absolutely love doing art with the kids! I get to teach them about new materials, how to use art materials properly to keep them working well for longer, and information about the projects and topics we are working on. I love the exploration, creativity, and learning opportunities that art provides.

Partner Showcase: Little Yogis

Partner Showcase: Little Yogis

All of the benefits that yoga brings adults are amplified for children, which is why it’s important to introduce yoga to children during these impressionable years. Yoga encourages an acceptance of oneself that comforts them during times of self-doubt. It encourages a mindfulness that creates a positive outlook, increases confidence, and builds resilience tools that kids can use their entire lives.

Space STEAM DIY: Moon Rocks

Space STEAM DIY: Moon Rocks

With NASA’s landing on Mars on February 18th we have been enjoying a couple of space themed weeks of lessons and activities.
This week we decided to make some really cool moon rocks!
This is a really easy and enjoyable hands on activity for kids of all ages.