
Art in B.A.S.E. at Oak Learners

At Oak Learners Before and After School Enrichment Program we explore a range of activities. I absolutely love doing art with the kids! I get to teach them about new materials, how to use art materials properly to keep them working well for longer, and information about the projects and topics we are working on. I love the exploration, creativity, and learning opportunities that art provides.

Benefits of Risky Play and Outdoor Education

Risky play can sound intimidating and many parents feel the same way. In fact, these concerns are natural, but they also often limit our ability to allow children to fully explore their surroundings and be exposed to new opportunities. Although risky play can sound dangerous and sometimes scary, it is important to remember that it is an essential part of development in several domains.

Supporting Your Preschool Child’s Growth is A Joint Effort

Finding a great preschool or kindergarten readiness program is half the battle. Your child will still need support at home to continue their development.

Art in B.A.S.E. at Oak Learners

Art in B.A.S.E. at Oak Learners

At Oak Learners Before and After School Enrichment Program we explore a range of activities. I absolutely love doing art with the kids! I get to teach them about new materials, how to use art materials properly to keep them working well for longer, and information about the projects and topics we are working on. I love the exploration, creativity, and learning opportunities that art provides.

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Benefits of Risky Play and Outdoor Education

Benefits of Risky Play and Outdoor Education

Risky play can sound intimidating and many parents feel the same way. In fact, these concerns are natural, but they also often limit our ability to allow children to fully explore their surroundings and be exposed to new opportunities. Although risky play can sound dangerous and sometimes scary, it is important to remember that it is an essential part of development in several domains.

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Spotlight on our amazing music teacher, Adam!

Spotlight on our amazing music teacher, Adam!

At Oak Learners, we are fortunate enough to have professional musicians on our team, and this time we are spotlighting our drum/percussion/piano teacher, Adam! When he is not touring or gigging around the city, Adam can be found teaching at both the RY and LS locations!

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The Healing Power of Music: How Learning an Instrument Can Improve Mental Health

The Healing Power of Music: How Learning an Instrument Can Improve Mental Health

Music has been used as a form of expression for centuries. It is a powerful tool that can convey emotions and feelings in both a verbal and non-verbal setting. Learning to play an instrument allows individuals to express themselves in a limitless creative way, providing a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. This is especially important for children and teenagers who may struggle expressing themselves or have many stressors and anxiety in their life.

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Oak Learners and LEGS – A Perfect Match!

Oak Learners and LEGS – A Perfect Match!

Oak Learners is proud to have developed a partnership with long-time members of LEGS (Lakeshore Environmental Gardening Society), a local community-based gardening organization, that provides outdoor education and stewardship enrichment programs for our students! This...

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Importance of Matching Students with the Right Teacher

Importance of Matching Students with the Right Teacher

The concept of teaching and learning matching is that it impacts learning in a way that encourages students to respond more positively to instructional methods while informing faculty about effective teaching practices. This encourages collaboration between the teacher and student which in turn reduces classroom management issues.

Recent research has shown that it is not as effective for a teacher to change their teaching preferences to suit the students in their classroom because they may not be as comfortable teaching in that manner.

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Virtual Games for Elementary School Students

Virtual Games for Elementary School Students

There are a lot of virtual games that can be played in-class. Young students have thousands of games now a days, with easy access on the internet. There are many to choose from, with some being educational and some that aren’t as much. We’ve compiled 5 educational and fun interactive games for young students to try out for themselves!

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Summer Camp 2021 Success for Oak Learners

Summer Camp 2021 Success for Oak Learners

With 2021 Summer Camps fully booked and even a waitlist being created, you could say this year was a great achievement and success for all staff and members at Oak Learners. Parents and children were excited to return back to yearly Summer Camp and connecting again with their fellow peers and camp counsellors.

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Fun with Friends: Activities for Virtual Playdates

Fun with Friends: Activities for Virtual Playdates

The question is, how do you make these playdates fun and exciting, especially after months of Facetime and Zoom calls? We have created a list of activity ideas that will keep your children engaged, even if they can’t be with their friends in person. These activities will allow you to build in some much-needed social time for your kids, while also encouraging their creativity and communication skills! They are great ideas to keep in mind for virtual family game nights and other social events taking place online!

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Virtual Field Trips: Animal Adventures!

Virtual Field Trips: Animal Adventures!

Students of all ages are fascinated by animals! Aquariums, farms and zoos give children and families the chance to learn about animals and discover new things! Due to the pandemic, many of these facilities are not open for in-person visits. However, they have established some incredible (and free!) virtual experiences and programs! Here are just a few of the many animal adventure virtual field trips that exist!

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Virtual Field Trips: Amusement Parks and Fun!

Virtual Field Trips: Amusement Parks and Fun!

One thing that students often look forward to in the summer is visiting amusement parks and carnivals. It’s hard to come close to the real thing, but these virtual field trips offer a taste of excitement that can be enjoyed safely from home.

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