
The Best Fall Outdoor Clothing for Kids

Fall is an amazing time to get outside and explore the brilliant colours and changes as the seasons change. The weather trends towards cooler mornings and sunny afternoons, making it hard to feel prepared with the proper outdoor gear, but it is so important to remember that proper clothing lays the best foundation for building a love of learning outdoors in our children.

The Best Spring Outdoor Clothing for Kids

Spring is the perfect time to get outside and explore what nature has to offer, from hunting for worms to jumping in puddles. Here are a few suggestions when shopping for spring outdoor gear to ensure your child stays warm, dry, and loving the new life all around this spring.

The Best Winter Clothing for Kids, from Head to Toe!

This winter we have a lot to look forward to! From exploring snow hills to ice crystals to making igloos and snow angels. Help your little learners stay warm and dry this winter so they can continue learning and having fun in comfort. Outside exploration has been proven to lead to a plethora of benefits that helps your child develop crucial skills. At Oak Learners, our students are outside for extended periods of time in all winter weather: snow, rain or shine. Regardless of the forecast, we will continue encouraging our students to explore the natural world around them while pushing boundaries and taking risks.

The Best Fall Outdoor Clothing for Kids

The Best Fall Outdoor Clothing for Kids

Fall is an amazing time to get outside and explore the brilliant colours and changes as the seasons change. The weather trends towards cooler mornings and sunny afternoons, making it hard to feel prepared with the proper outdoor gear, but it is so important to remember that proper clothing lays the best foundation for building a love of learning outdoors in our children.

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The Best Spring Outdoor Clothing for Kids

The Best Spring Outdoor Clothing for Kids

Spring is the perfect time to get outside and explore what nature has to offer, from hunting for worms to jumping in puddles. Here are a few suggestions when shopping for spring outdoor gear to ensure your child stays warm, dry, and loving the new life all around this spring.

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The Best Winter Clothing for Kids, from Head to Toe!

The Best Winter Clothing for Kids, from Head to Toe!

This winter we have a lot to look forward to! From exploring snow hills to ice crystals to making igloos and snow angels. Help your little learners stay warm and dry this winter so they can continue learning and having fun in comfort. Outside exploration has been proven to lead to a plethora of benefits that helps your child develop crucial skills. At Oak Learners, our students are outside for extended periods of time in all winter weather: snow, rain or shine. Regardless of the forecast, we will continue encouraging our students to explore the natural world around them while pushing boundaries and taking risks.

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The Healing Power of Music: How Learning an Instrument Can Improve Mental Health

The Healing Power of Music: How Learning an Instrument Can Improve Mental Health

Music has been used as a form of expression for centuries. It is a powerful tool that can convey emotions and feelings in both a verbal and non-verbal setting. Learning to play an instrument allows individuals to express themselves in a limitless creative way, providing a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. This is especially important for children and teenagers who may struggle expressing themselves or have many stressors and anxiety in their life.

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How Small Class Sizes can Help Children Prepare for High School

How Small Class Sizes can Help Children Prepare for High School

As parents and educators, we all want our students to succeed in high school and beyond. At Oak Learners, we believe that small class sizes play an integral role in preparing students for success in their academic journey. In this post, we will explore and outline the benefits of smaller class sizes and how they can impact high school preparation.

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How to Pick the Right Summer Camp for your Child

How to Pick the Right Summer Camp for your Child

Summer is just around the corner and parents, it’s time to start thinking about summer camps for your kids. With so many options available both locally, and around the GTA, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your child. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of choosing the perfect summer camp for your child that will ensure their best summer yet.

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21st Century Literacies and Evolving Pedagogy

21st Century Literacies and Evolving Pedagogy

Oak Learners is dedicated to supporting parents on their journey to prepare their children for the future of the 21st Century. By adopting a variety of educational pedagogies that empower learners and encourage hands-on exploration, we are flexible to teach new skills as well as the foundational aspects of learning.

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Top 10 Skills Middle Schoolers Need to Learn

Top 10 Skills Middle Schoolers Need to Learn

Middle school is an important period in a student’s academic journey as it lays the foundation for future success in high school and beyond. During this time, students are faced with new challenges and responsibilities, and it is essential for them to develop certain skills to ensure their academic success. Here are the top 10 skills middle schoolers should learn for school success.

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Local Hikes and Hidden Gems for Family Fun

Local Hikes and Hidden Gems for Family Fun

Winter lockdown doesn’t have to mean endless screen time and being stuck indoors. There are plenty of ways to get outside and explore the amazing secret hot spots of nature, art and culture that South Etobicoke has to offer. Here are my top 3 local hikes to explore with my own family and our students at Oak Learners!

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The Benefits of Kids Learning to Dance

The Benefits of Kids Learning to Dance

Dancing is great exercise and form of self expression that promotes physical fitness, creativity, social connections and learning. Not only it is fun and enjoyable, but it also offers a variety of benefits that can contribute to a child’s overall health and well-being. Find out why it’s important for kids to learn how to dance!

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Music Lessons – Oak Learners Class Showcase

Music Lessons – Oak Learners Class Showcase

Oak Learners is dedicated to inspiring minds through Arts Education and our Love of Music! We offer a supportive learning atmosphere, working with your child’s unique learning style to inspire their strengths and interests.

Private music lessons are available to learners of all ages from young to old in a variety of disciplines, including Piano, Guitar, Voice, Ukulele, Drums, Percussion, and Composition.

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Oak Learners Classroom Teacher Interview – Maggie Robertson

Oak Learners Classroom Teacher Interview – Maggie Robertson

At the heart of Oak Learners are the teachers that work with students every day to create an environment for the learners to excel with every project, task, and endeavor they complete. We wanted to interview some of our teachers to see their perspectives on their teaching field, get to know them better, and see what inspired them to become a teacher. The first interview we did is with Maggie Robertson, a teacher at Oak Learners wanting to share her experiences! Enjoy!

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Oak Learners Before & After-Care Showcase

Oak Learners Before & After-Care Showcase

Oak Learners offers a before and after-care program that has all kinds of exciting activities for your children to be a part of! Before-care starts inside the Oak Learners school between 7 AM-9 AM. After-care starts inside the Oak Learners school between 3 PM-6 PM.

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Importance of Matching Students with the Right Teacher

Importance of Matching Students with the Right Teacher

The concept of teaching and learning matching is that it impacts learning in a way that encourages students to respond more positively to instructional methods while informing faculty about effective teaching practices. This encourages collaboration between the teacher and student which in turn reduces classroom management issues.

Recent research has shown that it is not as effective for a teacher to change their teaching preferences to suit the students in their classroom because they may not be as comfortable teaching in that manner.

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