Oak Learners is hosting an Art Class for ages 6 and up every Saturday from 12:45pm-1:30pm! If you’re looking for an art class for your child, look no further! Our art teachers are passionate, enthusiastic, and knowledgable. Oak Learners provides a safe environment for the kids and allow them to experience the satisfaction that comes from guided self-expression. The focus of our art classes is exploring artistic skills, exploring creativity, and so much more!
How To Keep Your Child Safe While On The Internet
The internet is a great place for younger kids to get extremely valuable resources and can be a great source of knowledge. However, there are parts of the internet that can be quite dangerous for younger kids to be. In this blog, we’ll talk about some of the steps you can take including setting parental controls, monitoring your children, and keeping them safe on the internet.
Strategies For Tackling Homework at Home
Homework at home is truly one of the first things children get tasked with when working outside of school. This defines their habits as the children grow up, and establishing good work habits early can significantly impact those habits progressively in their life.
4 Tips for 2022 New Years Resolution Planning
Happy 2022 New Year! It’s that time again to start planning for your yearly resolutions! To start you off with some goals, or to just inspire you, here are 4 tips to get your New Year started.
4 Tips for Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastinating is something everyone struggles with from time to time. Here are 4 tips to help with your procrastination!
Discussing the Topic of Mental Health
What size is your cup today? What will make your cup overflow? These are questions everyone can ask themselves when considering how they’re feeling on a daily basis. Mental health is an internal resource that helps us balance our feelings, how we cope with daily stresses and how we build resilience and grow from these experiences.
Why Is Personalized Learning So Effective?
Personalized learning empowers students and teachers to take control of their learning experience. In a student-focused classroom, students learn at their own pace, whether they’re ahead of their learning curve or need a bit of extra time to work through certain subjects. Not only does personalized learning give tools for curriculum success, but it maximizes student engagement and interest.
Effective Musical Instrument Practice at Home
Most people understand that the more practice on your instrument, the better you become. When it comes to habits, consistency is an important factor in making routines for practice. Some wonder how you can improve your practice habits without causing too much stress? Let’s look at six ways you can make better use of your time when practicing your musical instruments at home.
The Importance of Remembrance Day
On November 11th, we remember and commemorate all of those who fought and died in their line of duty to serve our country and keep peace.
5 Mindfulness Activities for Kids
Mindfulness is a human ability that allows one to be present and aware of their surroundings and their own being, allowing them to not be overly reactive or overwhelmed by the world that surrounds them. When you bring awareness to what you’re experiencing, through your emotions and thoughts, you are being mindful.
World Mental Health Day 2021 | Making Mental Health a Priority
World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness and educating the young minds of this globe about mental health issues and maintaining mental health.
More Than Just an Orange Shirt
n 1973, 6-year-old, Phyllis Webstad lived on the Dog Creek reserve and was sent to “The Mission”, a residential school. As she prepared to leave home, her grandmother managed to buy her a new outfit for her first day and Phyllis chose a bright and beautiful orange shirt. However, when she got to the residential school, they stripped her of all her clothes, and she never saw the orange shirt again.
Encourage Creativity and Self-Expression in Young Children
The benefits of letting your children explore creativity and self-expression are quite clear. Their mental and personal growth will shine day to day the more they’re willing to express themselves. Here are 4 methods to help encourage creativity and self-expression in young children.
Apps Every Student Should Download on their Phone
There are certain apps that every student should download on their phone. There are thousands of apps accessible and thousands created every single day. It may be hard to find ones that benefit students, but no worries! We’re here to help! Here are 5 top apps we recommend all students should download right now!
The Best Study Tips for Young Students
During this time of year it can be hard to get your children back in school mode. Having study tips on hand for back to school time can be greatly beneficial getting your kids back in the homework groove. Here are 4 of the best study tips to start the school year off.
5 Virtual Educational Video Games for Students
There are a lot of educational video games out that can greatly benefit your children’s learning experience, and feel a little bit less of a chore and more fun. Here are 5 educational video games that you should check out for your children.
5 Reasons Your Child Should Learn a New Language
Children take in new information and find new things out everyday. Ensuring they receive all the information needed throughout their lives must start at a young age. Language learning is a direct reflection of a child’s brain changing. In fact, during the first six years of life, a child’s brain changes the most during language acquisition in comparison to any other cognitive ability that is also being acquired! So, here are 5 reasons why your child should learn a new language.
4 Tips to Get Ready for Back to School
With summer ending and back to school coming around the corner, the talks about classrooms begin to arise once again. Kelly Ferrell, Oak Learners Principal, was a special guest on the Etobicoke Lakeshore Podcast to talk more about back-to-school and getting your kids ready for classrooms again. Click the link above or here to listen to the podcast! With that being said, here are 4 tips you can do to get your kids ready for back-to-school.