Art in B.A.S.E. at Oak Learners

At Oak Learners Before and After School Enrichment Program we explore a range of activities. I absolutely love doing art with the kids! I get to teach them about new materials, how to use art materials properly to keep them working well for longer, and information about the projects and topics we are working on. I love the exploration, creativity, and learning opportunities that art provides.

Benefits of Risky Play and Outdoor Education

Risky play can sound intimidating and many parents feel the same way. In fact, these concerns are natural, but they also often limit our ability to allow children to fully explore their surroundings and be exposed to new opportunities. Although risky play can sound dangerous and sometimes scary, it is important to remember that it is an essential part of development in several domains.

Supporting Your Preschool Child’s Growth is A Joint Effort

Finding a great preschool or kindergarten readiness program is half the battle. Your child will still need support at home to continue their development.

Virtual Field Trips: Unleash your Inner Artist!

Virtual Field Trips: Unleash your Inner Artist!

Field trips give children the chance to learn and explore new things outside of the traditional classroom. However, the pandemic has significantly limited access to field trip experiences. Not only does this impact teachers, it impacts many parents, who look forward...

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Fall’s in Full Swing at Oak Learners

Our Fall programs kicked off this week and our new centre is full of life, love and music! Children in our Day School began exploring Healthy Bodies and came up with some fantastic questions they wonder about our bodies. They also took a trip to Mimico Library and...

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New Beginnings at Oak Learners

New Beginnings at Oak Learners

Recognizing the need for increased support for students experience difficulty in the school system, Oak Learners brings together professionals to provide an enriched and supportive learning environment for their students. On July 6th, 2017, Oak Learners launches...

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Bridge the Gap with Summer Learning

Bridge the Gap with Summer Learning

Children are naturally good at learning - it’s what they do from the moment they are born! Children learn language, culture, social norms, and knowledge from everyone around them. For most children, learning doesn’t end when the school bell rings or when schools close...

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Bridge the Gap at Oak Learners

Bridge the Gap at Oak Learners

At Oak Learners we understand that every child learns differently and we love that! Each of the founding partners at Oak Learners have experienced the trials of parenting a child who needs something “more” than what is traditionally offered by both public and private...

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