Why Is Personalized Learning So Effective?

Why Is Personalized Learning So Effective?

Personalized learning empowers students and teachers to take control of their learning experience. In a student-focused classroom, students learn at their own pace, whether they’re ahead of their learning curve or need a bit of extra time to work through certain subjects. Not only does personalized learning give tools for curriculum success, but it maximizes student engagement and interest.

Effective Musical Instrument Practice at Home

Effective Musical Instrument Practice at Home

Most people understand that the more practice on your instrument, the better you become. When it comes to habits, consistency is an important factor in making routines for practice. Some wonder how you can improve your practice habits without causing too much stress? Let’s look at six ways you can make better use of your time when practicing your musical instruments at home.

4 Things for the First Week of Back to School

4 Things for the First Week of Back to School

It is an exciting time for parents and students around Canada to begin their first days back to school. Bringing all of that excitement in, there are many things that should be considered when bringing your students back into the classroom, and here are 4 tips to help start off the school year!

4 Reasons Why You Should Do Personalized Tutoring

4 Reasons Why You Should Do Personalized Tutoring

Tutoring is a great next step to further develop certain skills, areas of weakness, or getting ahead. Parents thinking about what type of tutoring to put their children in might find it difficult, with varying options across the internet and in schools. Today we are going to talk about tutoring and the benefits of personalized one on one tutoring, and how it can greatly improve learning experiences in students.

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