Fall is an amazing time to get outside and explore the brilliant colours and changes as the seasons change. The weather trends towards cooler mornings and sunny afternoons, making it hard to feel prepared with the proper outdoor gear, but it is so important to remember that proper clothing lays the best foundation for building a love of learning outdoors in our children.
Looking for school supplies going back to school, summer camp, or for extracurricular work? Look no further! Mabel’s Labels Fundraising back-to-school sale on all school label packs starts now until the end of July!
During this time of year it can be hard to get your children back in school mode. Having study tips on hand for back to school time can be greatly beneficial getting your kids back in the homework groove. Here are 4 of the best study tips to start the school year off.
It is an exciting time for parents and students around Canada to begin their first days back to school. Bringing all of that excitement in, there are many things that should be considered when bringing your students back into the classroom, and here are 4 tips to help start off the school year!
Test tips are a great start to getting your children prepared for back to school time in the classrooms. Tests are a big part of students lives even throughout high school and university, so getting them in good study habits and test taking habits can greatly increase test scores and decrease stress levels. Here are 5 great test tips for younger students.
With summer ending and back to school coming around the corner, the talks about classrooms begin to arise once again. Kelly Ferrell, Oak Learners Principal, was a special guest on the Etobicoke Lakeshore Podcast to talk more about back-to-school and getting your kids ready for classrooms again. Click the link above or here to listen to the podcast! With that being said, here are 4 tips you can do to get your kids ready for back-to-school.
We’re excited to announce that Kelly Farrell, Oak Learners director, is featured on the front page of the August 2021 issue of the Etobicoke Lakeshore Press!
Anxiety is one of the fastest growing concerns among school-aged children and youth in the school system these days. Many teachers and parents agree that children are under increasing pressure to perform in the classroom to keep up with standardized curriculum, all...