Move and Groove at Summer Camp with Oak Learners
Wow… time flies when you are having the BEST time ever! This week at the Royal York campus Summer Camps, our theme was “Move & Groove” and we certainly did that! Read more about Summer Camps at Oak Learners.
Musical Theatre Week at Summer Camp 2023
Rain or (lots of) Sunshine, we were out exploring, splashing, playing and enjoying the weather with our wonderful counsellors Emma, Gaby, Ryan & Kristina at the Royal York Campus.
The Healing Power of Music: How Learning an Instrument Can Improve Mental Health
Music has been used as a form of expression for centuries. It is a powerful tool that can convey emotions and feelings in both a verbal and non-verbal setting. Learning to play an instrument allows individuals to express themselves in a limitless creative way, providing a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. This is especially important for children and teenagers who may struggle expressing themselves or have many stressors and anxiety in their life.
Music Lessons – Oak Learners Class Showcase
Oak Learners is dedicated to inspiring minds through Arts Education and our Love of Music! We offer a supportive learning atmosphere, working with your child’s unique learning style to inspire their strengths and interests.
Private music lessons are available to learners of all ages from young to old in a variety of disciplines, including Piano, Guitar, Voice, Ukulele, Drums, Percussion, and Composition.
This is your brain on music
Neuroeducation is playing a key role in the future of education, where the curriculum is based not just on teaching subjects but on preparing brains for learning. Research over the past several years has strongly identified links between language and music within the brain.