Why do we give high fives? Simply, the “high five” is a gesture that encourages a positive outcome! It is like a mini celebration. We give high fives when we are proud of someone, when we complete a task, or just generally, passing along a “good feeling.”
It is important in life to learn how to be our own cheerleaders and be proud of ourselves for what we have accomplished. So let’s make our own, personal high five!
What you need:
- Construction paper/coloured paper
- Scissors
- Glue/tape
- Markers
Step 1: Take a piece of construction paper and trace your hand with a marker.
Step 2: Cut out your hand print.
Step 3: Here you can be creative and choose any colours of paper and make shapes to glue to your hand! Here is an example:
Step 4:In the palm of your hand, write out “High 5!”
Step 5: On each finger of your hand, write words that are encouraging to YOU! Words that make you feel good and decorate your hand however you like! You can use designs using different coloured markers, be creative! Here is an example:
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