The teachers work well with families by continually listening with open ears to concerns or inquiries parents may have regarding their children. Oak Learners is always open to suggestions families come to them about concerning the school in general or about their own children.
The staff always ensures they listen to families’ concerns although, they always have a response and a solution but do not always go in the direction that families are looking for. Furthermore, the responses given are always consistent with their philosophy.
Oak learners always ensure they offer accessibility to allow families the opportunity of making an appointment to talk or catching up at the end of each day. This reassures that families know that if any issues arise, it will be tackled very quickly. With the issues that come up being resolved Oak Learners also provides families to have the flexibility to produce their own solutions.
Oak Learners communicates well with families in the sense that they come up with a “refreshing” list of problems their child may be experiencing but also provide them with their solutions to help support. Oak Learners works to provide families with the reassurance that the needs of all children are their number one priority!
“Encourage and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them”
~Lady Bird Johnson
Hello, my name is Melissa Shoesmith and I am currently in my fifth semester at Seneca College in the Bachelors of Child Development program. I am completing my field placement here at Oak Learners. Working with children is the most rewarding job in the world in my opinion. I love having the opportunity to watch children learn and grow. I always want to make a positive impact on a child's life!