Oak Learners has teamed up with Humber College and various other colleges to gather talented students across Canada to work inside the school. We interviewed one intern student from Humber College that joined the Oak Learners team, Joshua, to speak more on what they have learned whilst working with Oak Learners, how their experience went, how Humber College saw the experience, and what takeaways they have from the internship with Oak Learners.
Why did you choose Oak Learners as your internship with Humber College?
Joshua’s Answer (Humber Intern):
“There were many reasons why I decided to start my internship with Oak Learners and Humber College. When originally deciding, there were many options that I had to decide from. When talking with the Oak Learners team, I saw a real passion for what they were accomplishing and what they wanted to achieve. Oak Learners gave me the opportunity to not only expand my knowledge with my field of profession, doing Digital Marketing for their school presence online but also joining an enthusiastic and joyful team presence.”
How did your Oak Learners placement enrich your learning?
Joshua’s Answer (Humber Intern):
“When starting with Oak Learners, my ideas with the website, social media, and everything else were widely accepted and taken into consideration instead of instantly being rejected or pushed to the side. This gave me great motivation to have ideas that may impact change inside the school’s digital presence. Not only this, but a lot of work I had started doing was my first time actually doing it in a work setting outside of school. This in turn, helped me with my writing, design, and creative process skills when doing my daily tasks.”
What brought you happiness when working with Oak Learners?
Joshua’s Answer (Humber Intern):
“Two things stand out to me in particular when thinking of this question. Firstly is the team environment that Oak Learners has. Whenever I have questions about anything, someone is always there to help me out. When I want to be openly honest about change with their digital presence, they embrace it and take everything into consideration. Team meetings happen every week to keep all staff in the same loop, and all accomplishments inside the school are congratulated and celebrated openly with everyone.
The second thing that comes to mind is the creative freedom I have when it comes to digital presence. When doing all design processes and copywriting, my ideas are fully embraced. I really enjoy trying new things from time to time and having the team is on-board with the work I am doing.”
What did you think of the co-worker environment?
Joshua’s Answer (Humber Intern):
“Within Oak Learners is a small, but very happy and encouraging team. Co-workers communicate with each other on a daily basis to keep on track of what is happening around the school. Workers help each other whenever needed, and are there to lift each other up. Team meetings in person are refreshing, and hearing what other co-workers are doing, even if it is unrelated to my work is interesting and engaging. The director of Oak Learners, Kelly Farrell, is always there to help out with any work, reviewing documents, or anything else you need her for 24/7, even though her daily schedule is crammed beyond any schedule I have ever seen!”
How Will The Oak Learners Internship Benefit Your Career?
Joshua’s Answer (Humber Intern):
“Oak Learners is the first place I have done Digital Marketing outside of my Humber College program, so this is a huge step for my career. The beginning of anyone’s career is exciting, curious, and explorative. Even the simplest Marketing tasks are a learning step for me, and the more I learn from Oak Learners, the more I can apply it to any position in Digital Marketing during my career. Doing blogs every week helps my creative planning and writing skills, doing designs and working with different software makes me more efficient, and getting familiar and proficient using these tools will not only make me a better marketer but a better team member and worker as well.”
Any Final Thoughts or Comments?
Joshua’s Answer (Humber Intern):
I’m excited to continue working with Oak Learners and expand my knowledge with Digital Marketing, further working with the team to help the school fulfill their goals, and accomplish my own goals I set within the company. I’m really grateful for Oak Learners and I am really glad I found them during my internship phases with Humber College!
At Oak Learners, our mandate includes helping all learners reach their potential through creativity, confidence, and community. This mandate goes beyond what we do for our students and includes supporting new teachers, interns, and youth on their path to success.
Since its inception, Oak Learners has consistently provided opportunities for students and interns to work alongside experienced professionals to develop new skills and expand their learning opportunities. In addition to providing work experience and mentorship, Oak Learners has also invested in professional development courses and certifications for our teachers and staff. In the past year, our teachers have participated in courses through the Red Cross, Learning Without Tears, the National Institute for Learning Development, and more. Several of our teachers have also been working towards Postgraduate Degrees and their experiences at Oak learners have formed a foundation of experiential learning to augment the theory they were learning in class.
Last summer, Oak Learners was honoured to receive the Canada Summer Jobs Grant from the Government of Canada in order to employ amazing students to support our camp programming. This was a huge step for Oak Learners towards supporting our continuous professional development plans as well as a fantastic opportunity to bring new energy and excitement into our programming. We are grateful for the support of our local community and elected representatives as we continue to strive to bring more opportunities for personalized learning to our students.
We hope you enjoyed reading the interview we did as much as we did! If you are interested in schooling options, Oak Learners has a great day school and tutoring options. You can check out the day school where students learn all kinds of skills and build on them with personalized study habits. If you want personalized one on one tutoring online or in-person sessions as well, Oak Learners offers private tutoring here! Good luck with studying!
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Kelly Farrell is the Founder and Director of Oak Learners. She is dedicated to supporting learners of all ages and abilities reach their goals and love the learning journey. Kelly’s philosophy of education is based in the understanding that every child has the capacity to excel and succeed when they are given the tools and taught the skills to help them on their journey.