
Arts & Crafts: Tape Resist Art

by | Mar 25, 2021 | Arts & Crafts

tape resist art
The beauty of art is that there are no limits. It unleashes our imagination and creativity!

Art is used in many ways, such as for therapy, to express ourselves or our thoughts.

Tape Resist art challenges children to use different colours and create their designs with the tape. The best part is seeing what it looks like once they remove the tape!


Tape Resist Art Materials

  • Canvas or Cardboard
  • Painter’s Tape or Low-tack Masking tape
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Paint Palette, or some plastic surface to place paint on.
  • Scissors (Optional to cut tape)

Note: Acrylic paint works best on a canvas. However, you can use tempera paint, but it can drip down as it is more fluid.

TIP: If you are using acrylic paint, make sure you add a little bit of water (1-2 drops) to each colour to make it easier to paint on the canvas.



  1. Place the tape on the canvas. It can be random, spell out a name or form a design. If your child is old enough, let them place the tape themselves!
  2. Take the paintbrush and paint.
  3. Afterward, set the canvas aside to dry.
  4. When the painting is completely dry, carefully peel off all the tape. Ta-da! Your masterpiece is done, and it looks great!


Extend the Activity! 

Many young children love to play with water. You can extend the activity by filling the sink with warm water and soap and get your children to wash their hands while cleaning the brushes and paint palette! The water will likely change when they wash their hands.

You may also want to try using different materials to paint, such as sponges, raw materials, fruit, Q-tips or their fingers. You can also use other size tapes or try mugs and bowls instead of canvas and cardboard!


Happy Painting!


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Kim Anh Vo
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