5 Reasons Your Child Should Learn a New Language

5 Reasons Your Child Should Learn a New Language

Children take in new information and find new things out everyday. Ensuring they receive all the information needed throughout their lives must start at a young age. Language learning is a direct reflection of a child’s brain changing. In fact, during the first six years of life, a child’s brain changes the most during language acquisition in comparison to any other cognitive ability that is also being acquired! So, here are 5 reasons why your child should learn a new language.

How to Teach Your Child a Language You Don’t Speak

How to Teach Your Child a Language You Don’t Speak

As we all know, one of the best ways for a child to learn a language is if they are surrounded by people who speak the desired language. However, as we are meeting people less often and aren’t currently travelling, being in an environment where your child can be exposed to various languages isn’t easy. It would be great if the child’s home could be the centre for language learning.  But what do you do if you’re monolingual and want your child to be bilingual?