
Benefits of Risky Play and Outdoor Education

Risky play can sound intimidating and many parents feel the same way. In fact, these concerns are natural, but they also often limit our ability to allow children to fully explore their surroundings and be exposed to new opportunities. Although risky play can sound dangerous and sometimes scary, it is important to remember that it is an essential part of development in several domains.

Supporting Your Preschool Child’s Growth is A Joint Effort

Finding a great preschool or kindergarten readiness program is half the battle. Your child will still need support at home to continue their development.

3 Ways Preschool Class Benefits Kids

A good pre-kindergarten program offers important skills development such as social interaction, school readiness, and improved executive function. Let’s look at them further:

Raising Monarch butterflies with children

Raising Monarch butterflies with children

Oak Learners founder, Kelly Farrell, first experienced the magic of raising monarch butterflies as a student in Second Grade. Her teacher at the time, Ms. Thoeny, raised Monarchs in her classroom each year, introducing her students to the magical life cycle and...

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This is your brain on music

This is your brain on music

Neuroeducation is playing a key role in the future of education, where the curriculum is based not just on teaching subjects but on preparing brains for learning. Research over the past several years has strongly identified links between language and music within the brain.

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Bullying or Teasing – Are they not the same?

Bullying or Teasing – Are they not the same?

Written by: Kelly Letros - Behaviour Therapist It started in a small Canadian community with two teenagers standing up for a boy getting mocked for wearing a pink shirt. Pink Shirt Day this year is on Feb 28th. It is now celebrated in countries around the world,...

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Bridge the Gap at Oak Learners

Bridge the Gap at Oak Learners

At Oak Learners we understand that every child learns differently and we love that! Each of the founding partners at Oak Learners have experienced the trials of parenting a child who needs something “more” than what is traditionally offered by both public and private...

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