Let’s Get Crafty with Toilet Paper Rolls

by | Apr 24, 2020 | Arts & Crafts

Let’s use some materials we can find at home for crafts!

Toilet paper rolls!

Follow these ideas to make some toys and objects we can use at home!

Let's Get Crafty with Toilet Paper Rolls

1. Kaleidescope toys:

  1. Start by cutting up pieces of tissue paper into small shapes or collecting coloured beads. (This is a great opportunity to talk about shapes and colours and sorting – all Math!)
  2. Cut out a black circle the same diameter as the toilet paper rolls and punch a hole in the middle of the circle. Tape the black circle to one end of the toilet paper roll.
  3. Cut out a plastic circle the same diameter as the TP tube from any recyclable plastic container (like from fruit). 
  4. Tape the plastic circle to the other end of the TP tube. Cover it with glue and place little pieces of tissue paper on the outside of it. You can also decorate the tube with tissue paper now! 

Children will love looking through the kaleidescope and seeing the world through colours! 

Let's Get Crafty with Toilet Paper Rolls

2. Marble games!

Take 6 empty toilet paper rolls and cut a rectangle into each one. You can choose how many you want to make!

Then find a round object that can roll into each one.

This could be a marble, a small ball, a round rock… whatever you find!


Let's Get Crafty with Toilet Paper Rolls

3. Seed starters: 

Take your toiler paper rolls and:

  1. Fill with soil
  2. Gather seed to place inside
  3. Plant them outside and water them every day to grow your plant


4. Eye Spy Binculars: 

Children of all ages love to play games with binoculars! You can play some fabulous games of Eye Spy, or pretend to be Bird Watchers at the park. Imagine you are an explorer, wandering through the jungle in your own backyard! The opportunities of a child’s imagination are endless!

  1. After either cutting your paper towel roll in half, or using 2 toilet paper rolls, begin to decorate using the markers/crayons/paint/stickers.
  2. After decorating, use your hole punch and make 2 holes- one on the outside of each roll.
  3. Cut a piece of string long enough to go over your child’s head comfortably & tie the string to either hole.
  4. Glue the two rolls together by attaching them in the middle. (now would be the perfect time to use a clothes pins to hold them together!)
  5. Ensure you glue over the seam as well, to insure they stay together once dry. 


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Nina Semchyshyn

Originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Nina graduated from the University of Winnipeg with a BA in French Language, Literature Studies and the Certificate French Language Proficiency Program at McGill University. Currently, she studies public relations at Humber College.

Her passion for working with children began at a young age through the Ukrainian community’s leadership program and coaching rhythmic gymnastics for the past nine years. Through working with students that have faced the difficulties of learning a different language, or the training hardships that her gymnasts faced, Nina believes that best practices come from learning resilience. Recognizing and understanding each student’s learning style and finding techniques to help guide them to their own personal and academic successes is a value that Nina believes will help promote the principle that education is a journey and she hopes to be a supportive influence of that.

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